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Robin Hood's Angles
This colourful and attractive powerpoint uses Robin Hood to demonstrate right angles. Robin shoots his right angled arrow to see if various angles are right angles.
Magical Money
This spell binding powerpoint using a wizard as a hook for a lesson about converting money from pounds to pence and vice versa and involves solving money problems.
Treasure Island Co-ordinates
This colourful and bright powerpoint demonstrates how to find co-ordinates in a fun way using a treasure island map.
Froggy Multiplication
This colourful powerpoint uses the theme of a frog to demonstrate multiplying numbers.
Monkey Division
This fun powerpoint uses a family of monkeys to demonstrate dividing by sharing our their bananas.
Co-ordinate Shapes
This colourful and attractive powerpoint gives the children some co-ordinates and a grid and they have to work out which shapes it will make if they plot the co-ordinates correctly.
Measurement Mix Up
This attractive powerpoint is based on a dog who doesn't know which units to use to measure his various problems. Can the children help him use the correct units of measurement?
Commander Compass
Commander Compass is a great colourful powerpoint which demonstrates the angles in whole turn, half turn and quarter turn. The helicopter flies in and instructions are given as to which direction and size of turn it takes and the children have to work out which direction the helicopter will leave in
Find the difference!
A colourful one page powerpoint where children can choose numbers to find the difference. A great mental starter!
Cheesey Degrees
This colourful powerpoint uses mice and cheese to demonstrate degrees and angles in a circle.
Anglo-Saxon Lessons
I have written seven lesson plans, active inspire presentations, knowledge organiser, quiz and essay plan for the Anglo-Saxons history topic. The knowledge the children got from these lessons was incredible and the essays were awesome
Whole School Computing Skills Progression
This resources maps out the computing skills from EYFS to Year 6