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Careers in Music Display
Careers in Music Display.
PDF file with 30 different career paths in the music industry. Each slide shows a description of the job and the salary range.
Ideal for a careers board or for in your music classroom.
Musical Notation Display Poster
11 colourful posters, displaying note names, their position on the stave and on the keyboard.
Elements of Music Display (MAD TSHIRT)
An elements of music display using the acronym MAD TSHIRT
Display posters on:
Music Symbols Poster
A colourful poster for display in the music classroom, showing key elements of music theory and notation.
Neurodivergent Musicians Display
A colourful, informative display showcasing 9 different musicians that are neurodivergent and quotes they have said.
Basic Music Theory Workbook
A printable 9 page workbook with the following:
Note value chart
Fill in the note value
Musical maths
Two pages of naming the notes
Musical instruments word search
Fill in the time signature
Ostinato exercise
Music theory quiz.
Ideal for cover, filler or retrieval practice activities.
Music Room Booking Form
Two posters to be displayed in music practice rooms.
1 x Poster with practice room rules
1 x Practice room booking form
Music Classroom Acrostic Display and Worksheet
A music classroom acrostic poster for display and matching, printable worksheet for students to write what is important to them in the music classroom.
Music Tempos Display Poster
A colourful display poster showing the different tempos in English and Italian and the BPMs.
Music Poster Quotes
Three music themed posters including a Bob Marley quote that can be used for display purposes or for phone wallpapers.