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1 stop shop for all things EYFS and SEN !
Guided read/write based upon the story of Ed's egg.

Guided read/write based upon the story of Ed's egg.

Ed's egg is a great story for Spring looking at baby animals also provides the opportunity to talk about feelings and dealing with emotions and being safe. This resource is a weeks worth of planning to use alongside the story.
Mighty Maddy Maths EYFS weight

Mighty Maddy Maths EYFS weight

Mighty Maddie has to tidy her room, her boxes are to heavy what can she do? Lots of opportunity for discussion and problem solving. Weekly lesson plan linked to this story about comparing weight in everyday situations lots of vocabulary opportunities.
Diwali and Halloween planning

Diwali and Halloween planning

Lots of plans for continuous provision and 2 weeks worth of lessons covering Pumpkin soup and the story of Rama and Sita (Diwali) Ideas and lessons.
Autumn Animals

Autumn Animals

1 full and 1 part week lesson plans based upon woodland animals owls and hedgehogs with some resources. Links are also in the planning for you to get additional resources to use alongside the planning.
Phonics  phase 2 includes hfw cards to go home!

Phonics phase 2 includes hfw cards to go home!

7 Resources
A bundle containing 2 Power Points to help provide an interactive approach to those early Phonics lessons and ready made cards from phase 2 to 3 to use alongside reading within the classroom or sending home for parents. The cards also include tricky words and alien words, Time saver, just print, cut and laminate!