How can schools stay ahead of emerging safeguarding threats?

The latest Tes Big Debate webinar dissects the findings of a new survey that details a raft of safeguarding issues being seen by schools – and how to address them
21st May 2024, 12:19pm


How can schools stay ahead of emerging safeguarding threats?

Safeguarding is a vitally important part of all schools’ work to ensure children are safe and able to learn as best as possible.

Yet it is an area that is forever changing as new risks emerge all the time, often driven by new online and social media trends on popular applications and websites, which can encourage risky behaviours or be a source of cyberbullying.

Being alert to these risks and how to address them was the topic of the latest Tes Magazine Big Debate webinar, linked to Safeguarding Awareness Week 2024, which used data from a survey of over 700 educators to help understand the new issues being seen by schools and how they are being tackled.

For this debate, we were joined by the following experts to offer their insights on the practical work they are doing to ensure safeguarding remains top of the agenda across their settings:

  • Sue Bailey, safeguarding lead at Arthur Terry Learning Partnership
  • Katherine Tyler, safeguarding and welfare officer at Globeducate
  • Luke Ramsden, senior deputy head and chair of Schools Consent Project

You can watch the full discussion below. If the video doesn’t display, you can watch the debate here.

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