© Benedict Johnson

The competition

The Huge History Lesson: win a chance to share your object with the world!

Our challenge to students:

  • 1You can work individually or in groups.
  • 2Choose any object from a local museum or from the Teaching History with 100 Objects website.
  • 3Carry out a historical enquiry of the object. Have a look at our historical enquiry resource for tips and ideas.
  • 4Present your findings any way you like – as long as you can share your entry in around 5 to 10 minutes. We accept a wide range of digital formats including pictures, sound and video.
  • 5Ask your teacher or educator to upload your entry on tes.com by 11th January 2016. Teachers must include the following details in the resource description: the name of your school and its post code, your year group and the museum your object is from.
  • 6The winning student(s) will get to share their presentation as part of the Huge History Lesson in February 2016. Winners and runners up will also win an exclusive behind-the-scenes visit to the British Museum!

We’d love to see you getting as creative as possible with your entries.

Besides a presentation, here are some other ideas to get you thinking:

For Teachers: More Details About The Competition

The challenge is for students, either individually or in groups of up to 15 in number, to choose and study one historical object - gaining as much information from it as they can using their enquiry skills - and then turn their research into a 5 - 10 minute presentation for others in the class, or perhaps another class. Ideally, students should base their presentations on real objects which they have seen for themselves in public museums, galleries or archive collections; where, however, that is not possible, presentations may also be based on objects seen only online. There is no restriction on the type or age of object. If they wish, students can select objects related to their current areas of study.

A map of museums can be found here.

Presentations can be video, audio, written, interactive or image-based. Please see here for the full list of accepted formats and refer to the Historical Enquiry page for suggested approaches. Provided the competition rules are followed, presentations may be submitted as entries into the Huge History Lesson competition.

All the compliant entries received before the closing date for competition entry will be judged and one presentation will be selected as the winner to be included in the Huge History Lesson final broadcast in February 2016. The student(s) who created the winning entry will also be invited to the British Museum for a special, behind-the-scenes visit.

Three other entries will be selected by the panel of judges as runners-up, and the students who created them will also receive invitations to the British Museum for a special, behind-the-scenes visit.

About the Huge History Lesson

The Huge History Lesson is a partnership between the British Museum and TES, with support from Arts Council England, and is part of a TES initiative to help millions of teachers make use of cultural resources such as museum objects, exhibitions and archives. The competition coincides with the Arts Council’s Cultural Education Challenge, a call to action for all arts and education organisations to work together in offering a consistent cultural education for all children and young people.

Competition rules

The competition rules are set out below and all students entering and schools and teachers submitting entries to the competition on behalf of students must agree to be bound by them:

  • 1There is no charge for submitting an entry to the competition.
  • 2Competition entries may only be submitted by an identified school, education setting or home educator on behalf of students, aged between 5 and 16, at schools, in education settings or in home education in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
  • 3Competition entries may be created by students individually or in groups (not exceeding 15 in number). Each school, education setting or home educator may make any number of entries, however each student must only be involved in the creation of one entry to the competition.
  • 4Presentations can be entered in any format, for example a YouTube video, PowerPoint presentation, a video, an audio recording etc. but must be able to be uploaded to a YouTube channel or the TES website www.tes.co.uk/hugehistory No postal or other methods of competition entry will be accepted.
  • 5Where competition entries are submitted via the TES Global website, accepted file types can be viewed here. Maximum file size is 50MB. Zipped files not permitted.
  • 6Materials uploaded to YouTube must meet the YouTube terms and conditions. YouTube entries must be sent as a URL link to hugehistory@tes.com.
  • 7Entries must be submitted before the competition closes at midnight, 11 January 2016.
  • 8It is the responsibility of the relevant school, education setting or home educator to ensure that they obtain all necessary permissions and image releases in relation to the content, materials and people (including in respect of personal data) featured in entries submitted. By submitting or permitting the submission of entries to the competition the relevant school, education setting or home educator warrants that they have the power and authority to submit or permit the submission of the entries (including all content therein).
  • 9In respect of each competition entry submitted, the school, education setting or home educator that has made the submission agrees to indemnify the British Museum, TES Global Limited and their licensees from and against any losses, damages, actions, proceedings, suits, claims, demands, costs, liabilities and expenses (and all other sums of whatever nature) that the British Museum, TES Global Limited or their licensees incur arising out of (i) any breach by the school, education setting or home educator of these terms and conditions (ii) any breach by the school, education setting or home educator of the terms and conditions governing the use of YouTube or (iii) any claim that the content of a competition entry infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party.
  • 10The school, education setting or home educator hereby grants to the British Museum and TES Global a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty free, sub-licensable licence to use, reproduce and publically display (in whole or in part) the competition entries (and any content therein).
  • 11Compliant entries will be judged by a panel of British Museum, TES Global and Arts Council England staff. The decision on the winner and the runners-up will be final and no appeals will be permitted in respect of the decision made by the judges.
  • 12Compliant entries will be judged on:
    • how engaging the presentation is for students
      • The creative concept for the presentation
      • Structuring ideas in a way that is convincing and clear
      • Using questions and language effectively to maintain the audience’s attention
    • an imaginative choice of object which yields interesting and/or unexpected information
      • The students’ reasons for choosing a particular object
      • Exploring different types of objects - artefact, artwork, photograph, archival document
      • What new information students could find out about their object to share with others
    • good use of historical enquiry skills
      • The different techniques students could use to observe an object
      • Making use of a range of questions to analyse an object
      • Any further research or comparisons students could make to investigate their object
      • How evidence found by students informs the interpretation or ideas they draw from their object
  • 13The schools, educational settings or home educators of the student-creator(s) of the winning entry and the three runner-up entries will be notified by 31 January 2016.
  • 14To claim the prizes awarded, the schools, educational settings or home educators must respond to the British Museum by 2 February 2016 stating that they accept the prize awarded.
  • 15In order to claim the prize, the winning entrant(s) and their supervisors must be able to travel to London for filming. The British Museum will cover travel expenses up to a maximum of £500.
  • 16The winning entry will be featured as part of a freely accessible public broadcast. If a winning entrant refuses this prize, or is unable to travel to London to participate, or does not respond to the notification of winning by 2 February 2016 the prize, including the behind-the-scenes visit, will be forfeited and a new winner will be selected by the judges.
  • 17The behind-the–scenes visits to the British Museum awarded to the winning entrant(s) and the three runners-up will provide privileged access to areas of the Museum and its staff, and the collection on a date and at a time to be agreed.
  • 18The prizes are as stated and are non-transferable. No cash alternative will be offered.
  • 19The rules of this competition shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.