How to set up a resources sale

Running sales on your resources can help to boost the number of resources you sell. Here you can find instructions on how to set up a sale.

Tes Author Team

author sale tool

How to run a sale on your resources

As a Tes Author, you can choose to discount your resources and run your very own sales throughout the year.

You can find some quick steps on how to use the sales tool below, plus links to FAQs and notes on how to contact us if you need more support.

Why should I put my resources on sale?

If you are finding that some of your resources aren’t selling as well as you would like, or you would just like to give fellow teachers a little treat, why not run a sale? There are, on average 12,727 resources a day on sale and on average, 11% of daily transactions are from resources that are on sale.

Running your own Tes resources sale

  1. Once logged in to, click through to your Author dashboard from the left-hand-side menu and navigate to the My promotions section of your dashboard.

  2. To create a new sale, simply click the New sale button on the top right. Please be aware you can only run one sale discount at a time, but you can schedule future sales.

  3. This page is where the magic happens. You can choose to include all of your resources, or select particular resources to discount, via the Add resources to the sale button. You can also give your sale a name, but this is only visible to you.

  4. Next it's time to choose your level of discount, from 5% to 25%. As is the case with bundles, Tes does not subsidise author discounts on author-run sales, so the sale resource price is what you'll earn royalty on. Top tip: the most popular discounts applied to purchased resources on sale in the last year was 10% and 25%

  5. Last but not least, you should specify a date range for the discount to run, and a relevant time zone. This only affects the time your sale starts and ends. Your discounted resources will still be visible to users across the globe!

  6. If you've followed the steps above, all that's left is to click the Create sale button and your discount will be applied.

Don't forget to promote your sale on social media and your own blog or website!


Frequently asked questions


Can I modify a sale once it has been activated?

No, you cannot edit an active sale. You will need to end the sale and set it up again with any amendments made. You can, however, edit an upcoming sale that has not yet begun.

How long can I run a sale for?

Sales must be a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 2 weeks.