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Raising Standards Lead - Mathematics

Raising Standards Lead - Mathematics

Blenheim High School

Epsom, Surrey

  • Expired
MPS/UPS + TLR 2c (£4,395)
Job type:
Full Time, Permanent
Start date:
April or September 2018
Apply by:
19 November 2017

Job overview


This role has been developed to ensure that students make maximum progress; particularly pupil premium students. The Raising Standards Leader will emphasise a Growth Mind set, modelling the characteristics of hard work, resilience, constant improvement and being open to new ideas including the use of data to inform timely and effective interventions. 

Attached documents

About Blenheim High School

Blenheim High School was categorised by Ofsted as ‘Good’ in all areas in May 2019, has been oversubscribed since 2020 and achieved some of its best public examination results in 2024 including its highest Progress 8 score placing student GCSE performance in the top quartile nationally. The school’s ethos revolves around a Growth Mindset of wanting ’to get better’.

Blenheim is a dynamic, exciting and supportive environment in which to work. The school opened in September 1997 with one year group and has grown to its current size of 1410 students on roll including over 200 in the Sixth Form. Blenheim is a mixed comprehensive and our reputation in the community is excellent. The intake comprises of students from all surrounding areas with ability levels being favourable; over 40% of all students have high prior attainment at the end of Key Stage 2. In recent years the school’s popularity has grown significantly and there is a waiting list in most year groups.

As a Single Academy Trust, Blenheim benefits from:

  • A 36-week academic year with a fortnight October half term break and a 7-week summer holiday.
  • A significant financial reserve, which Blenheim has complete autonomy to invest.
  • Formative assessment being embedded across the curriculum ensuring that students know their ‘next steps’.
  • Modern buildings and infrastructure, that has benefitted from c.£2.6 million of recent investment
  • A strategic goal prioritising staff well-being, led by the senior whole school well-being lead.
  • A comprehensive Co-curricular programme prioritising the development of the whole student.
  • A Chelsea FC Blenheim Girls’ Football Academy that competes in the National Youth Football League.
  • A ‘Blenheim Ambition’ Dance Academy and a Blenheim Golf Academy.
  • A ‘High Performers’ programme to boost student aspirations, independence and career prospects.
  • An extended day for Year 11 and 13 students with complimentary biscuits, squash and pizza.

Blenheim’s recent Ofsted inspection was successful with the school being praised in several areas including:

  • ‘Pupils rise to teachers’ high expectations & therefore achieve well, both in school and in public examinations’.
  • ‘The school’s high expectations for behaviour mean that pupils’ conduct is excellent in lessons and social time’.
  • ‘Pupils produce work of a high standard, including disadvantaged students and those with SEND’
  • ‘Overwhelmingly, staff feel valued and are confident that their welfare and workload are taken seriously. They are proud to work at the school.’
  • ‘The school provides a raft of inclusive and ambitious experiences to help all students achieve their potential’

Blenheim is a well–resourced school and is fortunate to have outstanding facilities including modern buildings, large grounds, a recently refurbished AstroTurf and hard-court area, bespoke sixth form facilities, new audio-visual teaching screens throughout and a fully refurbished staff room. Together with a very supportive and well qualified governing body the school continues to prosper. Visitors often comment on the calm, purposeful learning environment that pervades and is a consistent feature of the School.

Blenheim sets high standards in terms of uniform with several ‘non-negotiables’ and there are strict expectations regarding behaviour and conduct, both in and out of the classroom. Students can be given up to 1 hour detention on any given day without 24 hours’ notice. Ofsted described Blenheim as ‘calm, orderly and purposeful’ and our students as ‘respectful, kind and courteous’, which is what those of us who work at Blenheim see every day. The Headteacher has little sympathy for poor standards of student behaviour.

As Blenheim students prepare to take up their place in society, they are actively encouraged to become independent learners. Part of this process involves the use of iPads across the curriculum; all teachers and 98% of students own one. Technological evolution is inevitable, and this helps ensure that students develop attributes that will allow them to adapt in a rapidly changing world. The iPad complements daily teaching and allows students to easily access a multitude of interactive and innovative resources both in and away from school, whilst Bespoke Blenheim exercise books continue to be the primary medium for student work.

I hope Blenheim’s journey of continuous improvement and high standards encourages you to complete an application.

Mr A A Bodell


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