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Science Teacher

Science Teacher

Bassett House School

W10 6JP

  • Expired
according to experience
Job type:
Full Time, Permanent
Apply by:
19 February 2018

Job overview

Bassett House is a leading independent IAPS preparatory school in North Kensington for children aged 3 to 11. 

We are looking for teachers with high expectations who will enjoy working in a well-resourced school with a strong team of supportive colleagues. 

All you need to join our happy and committed team is to be an excellent teacher, able to enthuse and inspire the children you teach and have a ‘can do’ approach to teaching and school life. In return, we offer excellent non-contact time and encourage our staff to undertake further training and professional development. 

Experience of teaching Science in upper Key Stage 2 or Key Stage 3 would be an advantage. We would also welcome applications from outstanding newly qualified teachers.

Bassett House School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children; applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Attached documents

About Bassett House School

The School

Established in 1947, Bassett House School is a vibrant and successful, non-selective IAPS preparatory school based in Notting Hill. We are small enough to be bespoke but big enough to thrive, with up to 180 boys and girls, aged 3 to 11, educated across three sites in W10. The school has an excellent reputation locally and in its February 2024 Independent Schools Inspectorate report received the highest accolades across every aspect of its work, including a ‘significant strength’ in recognition of its pupils’ social education and their contribution to society.

The school fosters an environment that challenges, encourages and nourishes the growing minds of all its pupils. As a member of the Dukes Education family, we also know there’s power in the collective. Our pupils benefit from the constant sharing of best practice among Dukes schools.

Our Aim:

Be the best that you can be

…from our founding motto, “Quisque pro sua parte” – For each the best.

Our Mission:

Bassett House is a coeducational non-selective school for children ages 3-11. Bassett pupils are reminded daily to be the best that they can be. When founded in 1947 the motto was much the same, albeit in Latin: ‘Quisque pro sua parte’ For each the best. We focus on what children can do because we know that achievement comes in all forms. We proudly celebrate our most academically able pupils who go on to Year 7 at some of London’s most academically selective schools, and we also celebrate those for whom success is richly deserved in many and multiple other ways. We are an arts-rich school where we place huge importance on the learning of art, drama and music.

We teach Bassett pupils to be rounded and grounded: our pupils are balanced. They are taught to show humility, be tolerant and always thankful for what they have. We are a smaller school and so Bassett pupils create a palpable feeling of a school that is welcoming with a big heart; it is caring and full of charm. We are also true to our founding vision in remaining a house school: our home-from-home atmosphere is a particularly special quality that we cherish. And finally, our team of teachers are genuinely committed to working together to give the very best to Bassett pupils. For each the best.

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