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Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal

Saint Gabriel's College

London SE5 9RF

  • Expired
Leadership Scale: L14 – L18
Job type:
Full Time, Permanent
Start date:
September 2018
Apply by:
15 February 2018

Job overview

Saint Gabriel’s College is a small inclusive Church of England secondary school where every member of the community is valued.  All our students are encouraged to value the importance of building strong relationships and to commit to excellence by working hard and continuously improving. We are looking forward to moving into a new school building in December 2018.

We seek to appoint an outstanding teacher with proven expertise in working with others to create a strong learning community. We are looking for an optimistic person with a can-do approach to be a member of our ambitious and hard-working leadership team.  

The successful candidate will be an aspiring head-teacher, committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for young people in South London, who has shown strong commitment to professional learning and who has made a difference in improving their school.

The ideal candidate will be a caring colleague, attuned to our Christian ethos, who has a strong moral purpose to ensure that every child has the best possible education.

Specific responsibilities of the role will be decided on appointment to fit the strengths of the candidate and the needs of the school.

Our vision is that ‘we will all fulfil our unique, God-given potential’. Please visit our website to learn more about what makes our school so special

Please contact HR Manager, Lisa-Marie Jones, on 020 7793 3900 or email for a recruitment pack including Job Description and more information about the role. 


Closing date: Thursday 15th February 2018 

Interviews: Week commencing: Monday 19th February 2018 

Saint Gabriel’s College aspires to have a staff-body reflective of the multi-cultural and diverse community which we serve. We expect all our staff to be committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and to be supportive of our Christian ethos.

Saint Gabriel's College

Temporary Building, Cormont Road, London SE5 9RF

About Saint Gabriel's College

Saint Gabriel’s College is a small inclusive Church of England secondary school where every member of the community is valued. All our students are encouraged to achieve excellence by working hard, continuously improving, growing spiritually and thinking of others.

We know that with appropriate encouragement, challenge and support, our students will shine with confidence in their learning, grow in their spiritual and moral awareness and develop the skills and attitudes necessary to make the world a better place.

Our mission is to ensure that ‘we will all fulfil our unique God-given potential’. Our school chaplain, a member of our Leadership Team, helps students and staff of every faith and none to develop spiritual self-awareness and inner strength.

As a small, inclusive school, we are committed to recognising, and fully developing, the potential of each and every student, whatever his or her starting point. We set high expectations in all things and pride ourselves on getting the best out of people. Our staff are committed and enthusiastic, and we expect the same from our students.

We have a broad and balanced curriculum, which fully prepares students to go on to achieve highly in sixth form and university. We put particular emphasis on developing students’ in the Creative Arts. For example, we expect all pupils to learn a musical instrument in Year 7. We believe that music imparts the discipline required for academic success and the joy that shared performance brings.

We work as a family. For example, every student is a member of one of our three Learning Communities.  This ensures excellent relationships across the school, because students support and encourage each other, and each child is known and nurtured. We know that strong partnerships with parents and carers make a huge difference to success at school, so we work hard to build strong home/school relationships.

I am proud to be Principal of Saint Gabriel’s College. It is a privilege to lead such dedicated colleagues and fantastic students. Please look around our website to find out all the wonderful things that go on at the school every day. Better still, you are very welcome to visit us, to see for yourself what makes Saint Gabriel’s College so special.

Nick Butler, MBA

Ofsted and SIAMS Reports

In April 2024, Ofsted conducted an inspection of Saint Gabriel's College and concluded that the school continues to be 'Good'. The report highlights the school's caring and inclusive ethos, noting that leaders have fostered a strong community spirit underpinned by the values of the 'SGC Way'. Pupils described the school as "very welcoming and open" and "it feels like family." They behave well during lessons and around the school site.

The school celebrates its linguistic diversity, with many pupils speaking English as an additional language, and provides support to help them achieve well. The report also commends the school's pastoral work, noting that pupils feel well cared for and understand the importance of regular attendance. Additionally, the personal development curriculum is well-constructed, preparing pupils effectively for their next steps and offering a wide range of activities to build confidence and character.

View Saint Gabriel College’s latest Ofsted report

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Applications closed