Teacher of Maths
South Charnwood High School
Markfield, Leicestershire
- Expired
- Salary:
- Job type:
- Full Time, Temporary
- Start date:
- 9th April 2018
- Apply by:
- 21 February 2018
Job overview
Required from 9th April 2018 until the 6th July 2018, an enthusiastic and committed teacher to teach across the age range at this outstanding school (now 11-16). The school lies in the heart of the Leicestershire countryside, with easy access to the M1.
Attached documents
About South Charnwood High School
South Charnwood High School
‘encouraging excellence, valuing people’
Headteacher: Simon Andrews
Deputy Headteacher: Abigail Allfree
Assistant Headteachers: Kathryn Juszkiewicz, Christopher Peach, Callum Peake
Business Manager: Alistair Keates
South Charnwood High School, based in Markfield, is a high achieving, oversubscribed secondary school educating pupils aged 11-16. Standards and expectations are very high as are the GCSE exam results that our pupils achieve each year. Our vision is to provide an outstanding education in a safe supportive learning environment so that every child can achieve their full potential. This is a school where pupils feel able to develop their own unique personal qualities and take responsibility for themselves, and their own learning, as they become the young adults of the future. We expect all pupils to be challenged and supported by our staff to achieve the best they can academically, as well as to develop resilience, leadership qualities and communication skills.
The school has a long track record of academic success with GCSE results well above national averages in both attainment and progress. The overall Progress 8 score has always been positive with a highlight in 2019 of +0.79. Despite the disruption of the Covid pandemic, Key Stage 4 outcomes in 2022 have remained outstanding:
Progress 8 score: +0.31
Attainment 8 score 54.3
Grade 5+ in Eng & Maths 64%
EBacc Average point score 4.71
Staying in education or employment 96%
The school is situated in the pleasant rural area of North West Leicestershire on the edge of Charnwood Forest. The main building is set in extensive and attractive grounds. The original building dates from 1935, but over the years several extensions have been added to meet rising numbers.
The nearest communities are the villages of Markfield and Thornton, about 1 mile away. At roughly the same distance is Junction 22 of the M1, while Coalville is 5 miles away. Pupils come from a fairly wide area, with most from the nearest villages of Markfield, Stanton, Thornton and the surrounding area, and some from Leicester Forest East, approximately 8 miles away. We also attract many pupils from outside our catchment area due to the popularity and excellent reputation of the school. 90% of pupils travel to and from school by bus.
The school has six tutor groups in all years consisting of approximately 29 pupils in each group. At Key Stage 3 the school is presently organised into mixed ability tutor groups following a common curriculum. Setting takes place in Years 7 – 9 for Maths and in Years 8 – 9 for Science, A.D.T. and Modern Languages. There is also some setting in PE. All other subjects are taught in tutor groups. In Years 10 and 11 the school offers a variety of GCSEs with the additional of non GCSE qualifications in Health & Social Care and Creative iMedia.
The school operates a two-week, 25 period timetable with 5 x 60 minute lessons per day. The school day is from 8.35am – 3.05pm.
The year group teams are led by Heads of Year whose main priority is to monitor the academic and social development of the pupils in their year group and, working with their team, intervene when necessary. Heads of Year are supported by non-teaching Pastoral Support Assistants and an Inclusion Team. The school has a well-defined system of rewards and sanctions.
The school employs approximately 51 teaching staff along with 15 full or part time Learning Support Assistants and Teaching Assistants, plus 2 Learning Mentors. There are 17 clerical, technical and premises staff members, including the Business Manager who is part of the Senior Leadership Team. The school is in a sound financial position with a projected substantial carry forward for next year.
Teams, not individuals, change schools. All staff are encouraged to play their part in running extracurricular activities, visits and trips to develop each young person in a holistic way. The well-motivated staff team at the school is a mixture of youth and experience ranging from recently qualified teachers to those who have been here longer than they care to remember! Governors are fully involved in policy review and the school actively values their participation.
Our most recent inspection was in June 2019 and the report described South Charnwood High School as a ‘Good school’ and described both the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and the Outcomes our pupils achieve as ‘Outstanding.’
South Charnwood is a school which cares. We pride ourselves on excellence in everything we do based on an ethos of being polite, prepared and productive. Education works best when we all work in partnership - pupils, staff and parents. If you are looking for a small secondary school where our young people are names not numbers, then South Charnwood High School is the school for you. We will continue to strive for excellence and value our people.
Broad Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TB
Telephone: (01530) 242351
Email: office@southcharnwood.org
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