KS2/3 With English Specialism
Cottesmore School
- Expired
- Job type:
- Full Time, Permanent
- Start date:
- September 2018
- Apply by:
- 5 March 2018
Job overview
Post of KS2/3 with English specialism at Cottesmore School
The School
Cottesmore is a leading IAPS co-educational boarding prep school situated in attractive West Sussex countryside between Crawley and Horsham, within easy distance of Brighton and the coast, Gatwick and London. It was founded in 1894 and has occupied the site at Buchan Hill since 1946.
The ethos of the School combines the best of traditional boarding school care and commitment with the latest in innovation, including a new classroom block and Design & Technology/IT centre. The Staff are well qualified, inspirational and dedicated teachers whose skills go beyond their specialist subjects. Cottesmore aims to produce children with well-developed social skills and an awareness of the needs of others. Within that broad and ambitious vision a strong academic dimension is paramount. Music, Sport, Art and Drama are significant elements of the life of the School and there is a strong and varied programme of activities.
Academic standards are high and pupils enter the Senior School of their choice, either through Scholarship or Common Entrance. Destinations include Benenden, Downe House, Eton, Harrow, King’s Canterbury, Marlborough, Radley, Winchester, Wycombe Abbey and all other major Public Schools.
The Post
Due to retirement, Cottesmore seeks to appoint a graduate to teach Years 4 to 8 English, with the possibility of other humanities subjects, who will be willing to make a wide contribution to the life of this busy, exciting and successful school.
The successful candidate will be expected to continue a dynamic and innovative approach to teaching, whilst having the opportunity within the department to explore progress in his or her own way.
The successful candidate will make a significant contribution to the extra-curricular life of this busy boarding School, as well as teach throughout the age and ability range up to and including Public School Scholarship and Common Entrance.
All staff contribute to extra-curricular activities. Games players would obviously find their talents used.
To plan, prepare and teach lessons according to the educational needs of pupils assigned to him/her
- To assess, record and report on the development, progress and attainment of the pupils assigned to him/her within the guidelines written in the Staff Handbook.
- As a Form Tutor, to promote and facilitate the general progress and well-being of individual pupils within any group of pupils assigned to him/her, providing guidance and advice on educational and social matters
- To participate in meetings and other activities, both within and out of school, which provide opportunities both for the exchange of views and for other forms of professional development.
- To carry out the administrative tasks and duties outlined in the Staff Handbook.
· To uphold and follow the Staff Code of Conduct.
· To contribute to the extra-curricular activities of the School which take place regularly during school hours.
· To assist with the teaching of Games each term as well as taking matches at Cottesmore and at other schools .
· One daily duty per week and rotated weekend duties.
The Advantages of life at Cottesmore
Teaching posts at Cottesmore are generally residential and Staff are remunerated on the Cottesmore Pay Scale which is above the National Pay Spine, at a level appropriate to experience and responsibility.
The staff receive a range of other attractive benefits including substantially discounted fees for their children, free meals, very reasonably priced on-site single or married accommodation with access to facilities, including an indoor swimming pool, golf course and tennis courts.
The pupils are very keen to learn and a well-structured support system exists for those with mild learning difficulties.
Teachers wishing to apply should complete an application form and return to the school, addressed to the Headmaster. The role is from September 2018 by negotiation. Further details about the school may be obtained from www.cottesmoreschool.com
About Cottesmore School
Cottesmore School is an award-winning academic boarding preparatory school for girls and boys between the ages of 7 and 13 on the border of Surrey and Sussex. We also have a Pre-prep on site for girls and boys aged between 4 and 8.
Since 1894, Cottesmore has been preparing girls and boys for boarding senior schools.
As well as maintaining academic rigour, Cottesmore also believes that sport, music, art, design and drama are important aspects of school life. A vast array of activities and hobbies are also available to the children including riding, shooting, fishing, paddle boarding, ten-pin bowling, golf and footgolf.
Cottesmore is a family-focused, happy and confidence-inspiring environment where great care is taken to nurture each individual's talent.
Cottesmore is 30 minutes from London by train and 25 minutes from Brighton by car. Nearby towns include Horsham, Hayward's Heath, Brighton and Crawley.
Members of the team enjoy a strong remuneration package, that can include onsite residential accommodation, subject to available .
Winner of Tes (Independent School Awards) 'Boarding School of the Year 2019'.
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