Pennaeth Gyfadran Cymraeg ac ITM
Ysgol John Bright
Llandudno, North Wales
- Expired
- Salary:
- MPS/UPS + CDA 1b (£9472)
- Job type:
- Full Time, Permanent
- Start date:
- Medi 2018
- Apply by:
- 28 February 2018
Job overview
Oherwydd ymddeoliad ein Pennaeth Cyfadran presennol, rydym yn awyddus i benodi ymarferydd cymwys, dynamig ac ysbrydoledig i arwain Adran boblogaidd a rhagorol gyda hanes hir o lwyddiant ar lefel TGAU a Safon Uwch. Addysgir Ffrangeg, Sbaeneg a Chymraeg o fewn y Gyfadran. Rydym yn chwilio am berson sydd ag angerdd dros gefnogi pobl ifainc i ddatblygu cariad at ieithoedd a dysgu.
Bydd gennych ddisgwyliadau uchel, cariad at y pwnc, y gallu i ysbrydoli, chwerthin a mwynhau heriau’r rôl. Byddwch chi’n chwaraewr tîm; byddwch chi’n fodlon gw
neud mwy na’r disgwyl i gefnogi ein myfyrwyr ac yn awyddus i ddatblygu’ch tîm yn barhaus. Byddai’r swydd yn addas ar gyfer arweinydd pwnc llwyddiannus a phrofiadol, gyda’r uchelgais i ddatblygu eu gyrfa ymhellach.
Oes gennych chi :
- Gred angerddol ym mhotensial pob myfyriwr, a’r ymwymiad i sicrhau bod pob myfyriwr yn llwyddo
- Y gallu i arwain cydweithwyr i gael effaith ar gynnydd myfyrwyr a datblygu cwricwlwm cyfoethog
- Hanes o godi cyrhaeddiad
- Ymagwedd greadigol a llawn dychymyg tuag at addysgu a dysgu
- Ddisgwyliadau uchel, a’r gallu i herio’ch myfyrwyr a meddwl yn feirniadol am eich ymarfer eich hun
Rydym yn cynnig:
- Datblygiad gyrfa ardderchog a mynediad i raglen gynhwysfawr o ddysgu a datblygu proffesiynol
- Cyfle i fod yn fentrus ac yn arloesol wrth arwain
- Ethos o ddisgwyliadau uchel ar gyfer myfyrwyr a staff
- Amgylchedd gwaith ysgogol a chefnogol
- Ymrwymiad cryf i ddatblygiad proffesiynol a dilyniant ar gyfer yr holl staff
- Cyfleusterau ardderchog o fewn adeilad a safle modern a deniadol
- TGCh ddiweddaraf ar draws yr ysgol
- Ethos ‘ffenestr ar y byd’ sy’n cyfoethogi profiadau dysgu myfyrwyr
- Drws agored i wlad brydferth
Cyn cyflwyno’ch cais, os hoffech weld pam ein bod ni’n ystyried bod YJB yn ysgol mor wych i weithio ynddi a pham fod y swydd ei hun mor gyffrous, yna cysylltwch â ni i drefnu ymweliad a chyfle i siarad â’r Pennaeth. Am fwy o wybodaeth neu i drefnu apwyntiad, cysylltwch â CP y Pennaeth, Mrs C Astrop ar 01492 864200 / /
Attached documents
About Ysgol John Bright
The school is situated in the heart of the North Wales resort town of Llandudno. It is the only English medium high school to serve the town and its hinterland. Road and rail links along the North Wales coast are excellent and in one hour or less you can be in Chester, Liverpool, Manchester airport, the Holyhead ferry port to Ireland or within the grandeur of the Snowdonia National Park and its mountains.
The school is named after the Victorian radical politician John Bright who came to the town for respite and whose young son was buried here. After almost one hundred years the school had outgrown its previous premises and in September 2004 the new school opened on a 25 acre site with excellent facilities.
Ysgol John Bright has a very varied catchment area. There are nine designated primaries which range in size and type. We serve two of the most deprived wards and two of the most prosperous wards in the town. Indeed inspectors described us as a “truly comprehensive school”. The roll is currently at 1247, with 224 in our vibrant and expanding Sixth Form.
School Buildings
The new school has been suited for each curriculum area. There are five blocks which are linked by a central mall. Each faculty has an office and there is a large staff workroom adjoining the generous staff-room. Our superb facilities include:-
Technology Block with workshops, cad/cam with 24 top spec computers, art with pottery wheel and kiln, textiles with display area and food technology rooms including commercial standard stainless steel kitchen.
12 Science laboratories on three floors with a prep room on each floor linked by a dumb waiter.
Library resource centre which has fingerprint borrowing system.
Welsh and MFL corridor with seminar rooms for use by language assistants.
Drama classroom with specialist lighting and sound systems.
All staff now share work through Google Education which is a cloud based learning environment.
Squash courts which are demountable to a dance/performance space.
Music and photography departments with full suite of Apple Macs.
PE facilities are extensive- gymnasium, very large sports hall, 2 all-weather pitches (one to international hockey standards) 2 fenced tarmac hard play areas and extensive grass pitches and play areas.
Sixth Form area with separate Year 12 and Year 13 workrooms with computer facilities.
Every teacher has a Chromebook and projector in their classroom to enable electronic registration and all have access to the curriculum network and the internet.
Staff Development
The Governors believe passionately in the continued professional development of all staff employed in the school. Training needs are identified either through Performance Management interviews or within Faculty School Improvement Plans. These are then incorporated into our School Improvement Plan. We have an established programme for the induction of new staff both newly qualified and experienced.
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