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Miss Vanessa

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Hi, I'm Miss Vanessa from Colorado, USA! Welcome to my TES Shop! I specialize in creating engaging educational activities for early childhood! I've been creating digital resources since 2013 and recently started offering my resources on TES! Please let me know if I can help you with anything or create an educational resource just for you! Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa




Hi, I'm Miss Vanessa from Colorado, USA! Welcome to my TES Shop! I specialize in creating engaging educational activities for early childhood! I've been creating digital resources since 2013 and recently started offering my resources on TES! Please let me know if I can help you with anything or create an educational resource just for you! Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa
Kindergarten Math Worksheets And Printables

Kindergarten Math Worksheets And Printables

8 Resources
This Kindergarten Math Bundle includes worksheets, printables, games, and activities to help your students master early math concepts! This easy-to-use bundle includes no-prep and low-prep activities to complement your math curriculum throughout the year! Use these activities for a variety of activities, including morning work, small group, large group, math centers, early finishers, educational interventions, and assessments! Included In This Bundle: • 2D Shapes Worksheets - Worksheets and activities to help reinforce 2D shapes and early geometry concepts. • 3D Shapes Worksheets And Printables - Activities to teach students all about 3D shapes. • Kindergarten Measurement Pack - Activities for comparing, sorting and ordering objects by size, length, width, height, and weight. • Counting and Cardinality Worksheets And Printables - Students count, write numbers, compare numbers, and answer, “How Many?” questions. • Color And Count Numbers 0-20 Coloring Pages - Students count the objects inside the number as they color each page. Composing and Decomposing Numbers Worksheets, designed to give students practice composing and decomposing numbers in order to develop a better understanding of number relationships. Students solve & create number bonds, draw pictures and write equations to represent each number family. Kindergarten Addition Worksheets for Numbers 0-10 - activities to give students practice writing numbers and solving early addition and equations. • Telling Time Worksheets - Activities for early exploration of clock numbers and features, and concepts related to telling time by the hour. **Thanks for stopping by! ~Miss Vanessa**
Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables

Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables

This set of Kindergarten Measurement Worksheets And Printables includes easy-to-use activities to help students master early measurement concepts. This pack includes printable activities for practice with measuring, sorting, and ordering objects by length, width, height, size, and weight! This set includes no-prep and low-prep worksheets to print and use for math centers, morning work, early finishers, interventions, and assessments. Use these activities to compliment your measurement unit in the classroom and at home! The Following Worksheets And Printables Are Included: • Color by Size: Small And Large Objects - Color the small objects red and the large objects blue. • Sort by Size: Small and Large Bugs - Cut out and sort the bugs by size. • Order by Size - Cut out the shapes and order them by size by matching them to the outlines on the ordering strip. • Color by Size: Small, Medium And Large “Gems” - Color the small gems red, the medium gems blue, and the large gems green. • Sort by Size: Small, Medium and Large “Gems” - Cut out the gems at the bottom of the page and sort them by small, medium, and large sizes. • Order by Size: My Favorite Sport - Cut out the sports balls and put them in order from smallest to largest. • Order by Size: “Gems” - Cut out the gems and order them from largest to smallest. • Order by Size: Small Things Mini-Book - Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three small things. • Large Things Mini-Book - Assemble the mini-book. Students draw and label three large things. • Color by Height - Color the pictures to identify the short and tall objects. • Comparing Height: Which Is Shorter? - Compare the height of each set of connecting and circle the shorter set. • Comparing Height: Which Set Is Taller? - Compare heights and circle the taller buildings. • Order by Height - Cut out the buildings and order them from shortest to tallest. • Order by Height: Matryoshka Dolls - Cut out the Matryoshka (Nesting Dolls) and order them from tallest to shortest. • Short Things Mini-Book - Draw and label three short things. • Tall Things Mini-Book - Draw and label three tall things. • Comparing Length: Which Set Is Longer? Circle the longer set of connecting cubes. • Comparing Length: Which Set Is Shorter? - On the first half of the page, On the second half of the page, circle the shorter set of cubes. • Order by Length: Shortest to Longest- Cut out the connecting cubes and order them from shortest to longest. • Order by Length: Longest to Shortest - Students color the fish, then cut them out and order them from longest to shortest. • Longer and Shorter Sorting Strips - Color the sorting strips. Cut along the dotted lines and cut each strip into two pieces. Match the pieces to the sorting mat as you order them by length. • Measuring Length: Bugs - Measure the length of the bugs. Write the length of each bug in the square. Plus More! 71 pages + cover & credits pages = 73 pages total
Telling Time By The Hour Worksheets

Telling Time By The Hour Worksheets

Telling Time Worksheets and activities for early exploration of clock numbers and features, and concepts related to telling time by the hour. Use these worksheets and activities to teach, review and assess students understanding of concepts related to telling time by the hour. What’s Included: Telling Time Worksheets. Draw the Hour Hand - For each time shown, draw the hour hand. Draw the Hour & Minute Hand - Read the time and draw the hour and minute hands. Write the Hour - Write the hour below each analog clock. Write the Hour and Minutes - write the hour and minutes below each clock. Write the Time - Write the time below each clock Match the Clocks - Draw a line to match the analog and digital clocks. Match the Clocks Cut-And-Paste - Cut out the digital clocks ad paste each one under the matching analog clock. What time is it? - Write the time below each analog clock. Telling Time Review - Review activities for telling time by the hour. Answer Keys Telling Time Flash Cards: Cut out the flash cards and mix them up. Students choose a card and read the time. Cut-And-Paste-Clock: Cut along the dotted lines and place the clock numbers and pieces onto the clock template. Students can glue the pieces in place or simply move the different pieces around on the template. You can attach the end of the short and long hands to the middle of the clock template with a brad or pin so they move around like they do on a real clock. Telling Time “I Have, Who Has” Activity: A whole group activity for practice reading analog clocks and telling time to the hour. I’m A Little Hour Hand Printable Song: A cute song to help kids remember the difference between the hour and minute hand. Ideal for morning work, math centers, large and amall group activities, and assessments! 80 pages + cover and credits page = 82 pages total.