Diary of a Teenage Health Freak

6th October 2000, 1:00am


Diary of a Teenage Health Freak

The best-selling books featuring the Diary of a Teenage Health Freak take on a new life in two websites. In one, you can read the daily doings of Pete Payne, and his worries about girls, friends, parents and his bodily functions. This is linked to the virtual surgery of his doctor, who handles all problems of both sexes, from abstinence (a form of contraception) to zits. The sites’ contents are collaboration between real teenagers and the GP and paediatrician who wrote the original stories. They are truthful and reassuring.

Booklets featuring classroom resources taken from the websites are available (first-come first-served) from Teenage Health Websites, 9 High Street, Burnham, Bucks SL1 7JB. Tel: 08709 000019. Websites: www.teenagehealthfreak.org and www.doctorann.org

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