
19th May 1995, 1:00am


UNTIL AUGUST 28. LANDSCAPES OF FRANCE:IMPRESSIONISM AND ITS RIVALS. At the Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London SE1, masterpieces by Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley, Cezanne and Gauguin are being shown alongside landscape paintings from the annual Paris Salon. Education events include interactive gallery sessions for 5 to 12-year-olds (with an adult) led by artists and story-tellers and a teachers’ evening on May 26. Details: 0171 921 0951.

MAY 27-29

PERFORMANCES FOR CHILDREN. Half-term shows for children at the South Bank Centre, London SE1, include: The Oily Cart Company’s Fishing for Pigs, Purcell Room, May 27, 2pm, and the Little Angel Marionette Theatre’s performance of The Elves and the Shoemaker, Voice Box, May 29, 3pm. Details: 0171 921 0655.

MAY 28-29

EMERGENCY WEEKEND. Fire Service water jet displays, police sniffer dogs, air ambulance helicopters, and modern and vintage fire-fighting emergency equipment will be featured in a display of rescue techniques and equipment at the Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon, London NW9. All outdoor events free except for helicopter pleasure flights. Details: 0181 205 2266.


PAIN WITHOUT, POWER WITHIN. A moving look at disability and religion performed by Strathcona Theatre Company, an ensemble of learning-disabled actors, at The Cochrane Theatre, Southampton Row, London W1. A national tour will follow. Tickets: Pounds 7, Pounds 3.50 concessions. Details: 0171 242 7040.


CHILDREN’S EVENTS. During half-term, the Commonwealth Institute, Kensington High Street, London W8, is running African music workshops for children. Weekend activities include: African storytelling, kite-making, and Carnival face-painting. Details: 0171 603 4535.


A-LEVEL CHEMISTRY APPEAL. Independent Appeals Authority for School Examinations hearing at Newcombe House, 45 Notting Hill Gate, London W11, 10am, open to the public. Details: 0171 243 9245.

JUNE 4, 8 AND 15.

OPEN DAYS. Family fun day at Easton College, Norwich, “Norfolk’s college of the countryside”, with farm tours, pony rides and sheep shearing demonstrations, admission Pounds 1. Details: Jane Pitkin, 01603 742105.

Bilston Community College, West Midlands, is inviting staff involved in open learning and learning resources in further education to try out its open access support and information system. The second event will focus on additional support for students with learning difficulties. Fee: Pounds 95 per day. Details: Kuldip Sangha, 01902 408791.

JUNE 9,19,21 AND 23

STAFF DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS. Organised by Yorkshire and Humberside Association for Further and Higher Education at Bond Street Conference Centre, Dewsbury. Fee: Pounds 90, Pounds 45 members except where otherwise indicated. Subjects: “Partnership arrange-ments for GNVQ within the key stage 4 curriculum”; “Developing student motivation strategies to improve retention rates in colleges”; “Improving adult learning routes” (fee: Pounds 50, Pounds 25 members); and “The future for leisure education and training”. Details: 01924 450900.

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