Hard Rain: our headlong collision with nature

28th April 2006, 1:00am


Hard Rain: our headlong collision with nature

The deluge: before Bryan Ferry did his worst on it, “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” had a first outing as a protest song in the Sixties. Photographer Mark Edwards has illustrated every line of Dylan’s lyric with images selected from 150 countries including Haiti (right), which has lost 98 per cent of its trees since 1960. The result Hard Rain: our headlong collision with nature, a collaboration with environmentalist Lloyd Timberlake published by Edwards’s own company, Still Pictures Moving Words. The Eden Project’s education service benefits from sales and the book includes a foreword by founder Tim Smit. Order at the reduced price of pound;10 plus pp (usual price pound;14) from www.hardrainproject. com, where you can read Edwards’s and Timberlake’s letter to world leaders and, they hope, replies.

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