Headteacher ordered to retrain

1st September 2006, 1:00am


Headteacher ordered to retrain

A headteacher who failed to respond to a school review after his Wigan primary was classed a “school for concern” has been found guilty of unacceptable professional conduct.

England’s General Teaching Council ruled that William Flynn, the former head at Sacred Heart primary, breached standards expected of the profession.

He has been told that he cannot work as a head again until he has completed a course leading to the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers.

Mr Flynn, who was sacked in November 2002, appeared before a disciplinary hearing in July and its decision was delivered last week. He denied charges of failing to respond appropriately to the school review and of misleading governors over the status of the primary. He said he should have told governors about the review but believed they already knew as the chair had been told.

“I made a mistake - I have held my hand up - but the chair of governors knew about the report and the status of the school,” he said.

Lawrence Hoy, a member of the senior management team and the school’s literacy co-ordinator, said: “Dealing with Mr Flynn in relation to issues related to my work was extremely frustrating. It was often like knitting fog.”

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