Hotline tackles problem of primary exclusions

24th November 1995, 12:00am


Hotline tackles problem of primary exclusions
Staffordshire county council has set up a “hotline” to tackle primary school exclusions.

Under the scheme, which has been piloted since the beginning of term, headteachers call the hotline if they wish to exclude a pupil. One of three specialists will reply within 24 hours - and book a visit to the school within two days.

“The aim is to reduce the number of exclusions from our primary schools, ” said Andy Hough, project manager. “One of our main advantages is the speed of our response - quite often heads are at the end of their tether and need an immediate response.”

So far the hotline has been used by 53 schools - and has succeeded in keeping the pupil in school in all but two cases.

“What we do is arrange an immediate meeting between the head, one of the hotline team and the class teacher of the pupil,” said Mr Hough. “Then we’ll look at all the strategies the school’s tried so far, and see how we can help. Often that’s by observing the teacher and child in the class.” Any support agreed by the council will be given on a time-limited contract.

The council has targeted primary schools as that was where problems first emerge. If they can be dealt with before secondary school, then a great deal of money can be saved.

Pauline Walters, acting head of Hollywall primary in Stoke-on-Trent, said: “It’s the first initiative I’ve seen that actually tackles the problem where it emerges - in the classroom.”

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