Integral solution;Primary;Books;Geography;Subject of the week

26th March 1999, 12:00am


Integral solution;Primary;Books;Geography;Subject of the week
USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYIN GEOGRAPHY. Photocopiable worksheets. Evans pound;10.99.

How do you integrate information and communications technology into specific subject areas? Using Information Technology in Geography attempts to provide some answers for key stage 2 teachers. It includes advice and activities aimed at IT skills, but with no attempt to embrace the communications “C” part of the curriculum.

The book is based around 24 A4 photocopiable sheets and contains teacher’s notes, an IT skills checklist, record sheet, solutionsexamples (to the worksheets) and a glossary. It covers a standard set of IT opportunities, from word-processing to desktop publishing, spreadsheets and databases.

Geography is an excellent vehicle for incorporating IT, but several elements of this book are disappointing. First, it is likely to go out of date quickly, as it doesn’t, for example, promote use of the World Wide Web.

Second, few of the proposed activities would challenge most pupils. The CD-Rom work relating to atlases or Encarta mostly concentrates on simple searches and filling in information. On the other hand, some of the more open-ended, enquiry-based activities are particularly worthwhile.

Most of the spreadsheet and database activities are useful. But the value of these worksheets would be enhanced significantly by a series of datasets on disc or on a website that teachers and pupils could find, access, collect and use.

Karl Donert is senior lecturer in geography and environmental studies and international co-ordinator Liverpool Hope University College

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