Letter from the Editor

23rd January 1998, 12:00am


Letter from the Editor

Where can you travel into the past? Shake hands with an icy-fingered friend? Explore the whole world in a lunch hour? The answer, of course, is in any primary classroom - and also in the first issue of our new monthly magazine, TES Primary. Over the months, we hope to offer you things to delight, a few to disturb, and many to help, all in full colour.

Every issue of TES Primary will include a teaching project and a double-sided poster (one side for infants and one for juniors), covering a range of national curriculum topics. We will help you keep up to date, with essential reading on the literacy hour and other important initiatives - but we all know the “basics” are not everything. They are a foundation from which children leap into many worlds - the world of the imagination, the natural world, the diverse countries of the globe. TES Primary offers resources to help you help them make those leaps. We will never forget that the most important resource for children in schools is teachers.

Diane Hofkins, Editor TES Primary

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