Music is food for learning

4th March 2005, 12:00am


Music is food for learning
From the best kinds of music for classrooms to keeping on the right side of the law, we like to think we cover the nicest and the toughest parts of the teaching profession in this newsletter.

Both our case studies this month are music specialists, but in different ways: Ann, four years after training, is in her dream job - teaching music across her school, from nursery to top juniors. Jason, on the other hand, shows how history can come alive with everything from medieval singing nuns to David Bowie. See pages 10 and 11.

Then there is the matter of your legal rights, duties and obligations.

Sometimes the law is clear, but it’s often a minefield, and we explain as much as we can in our front page feature. I’m always interested to hear how teachers deal with difficult legal situations, so if you’re in a quandary, let me know. Perhaps one of our agony experts (pages 4 and 5) will have a solution.

Have a great term.

Fiona Flynn: editor


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