The numbers game

26th January 2001, 12:00am


The numbers game
MINIMATHS 1 and 2. By Kim Connor. pound;16.50 each, plus pound;3.53 pamp;p. BEAM, Maze Workshops,. 72a Southgate Road, London N1 3JT.

In Minimaths 1, Kim Connor takes six themes for younger pupils and provides a dozen maths activities for each theme. All feature suitable questions, word lists, assessment pointers and suggestions for further development.

Some themes (such as “teddy bears”, or “containers”) may be well known, but some (for example, “green peppers”, “dough”) are less common. The other themes are “hands” and “squares”. In all cases, the ideas ar worthwhile and manageable.

To help with planning and assessment there’s a grid which matches each of the 72 activities to QCA’s early learning goals. The guidance is clear and accessible and classroom assistants as well as nursery and reception teachers will find the book easy to use.

Minimaths 2 follows the same formula, with six more themes: “wheels”, “shoes”, “sand”, “bodies”, “flowers” and “pennies”. Pick whatever suits your programme best and buy the others next year.

Alan Parr is a primary mathematics writer and INSET provider

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