Passing the Numeracy Skills Test

19th May 2000, 1:00am


Passing the Numeracy Skills Test
PASSING THE NUMERACY SKILLS TEST. By Mark Patmore. Learning Matters pound;6.99 Tel: 01392 215560

PASSPORT TO MATHEMATICS (M521). Centre for Mathematics Education. The Open University pound;18

The increasing attention now given to the mathematical skills of newly qualified teachers is underlined by the publication of these two books, each of which focuses on a different set of requirements.

From this month anyone who wants qualified teacher status has to pass the numeracy skills test. The first test will be taken on June 1 (with a repeat on July 26). Candidates might find support from Passing the Numeracy Skills Test, which explains the requirements of the test and provides many practice questions and answers, as well as a mock test. Some ideas addressed in the test may be unfamiliar to people who last studied maths some years ago. The introduction to this book and the section on hndling and using statistical information are likely to be particularly helpful.

Passport to Mathematics (M521) was written in 1998 as a self-study pack to support people preparing to teach in primary classrooms. It aims to increase the knowledge and confidence of primary trainees to meet the mathematics subject knowledge requirements set out in the DFEE circular 498, High Quality, High Status. These requirements are different from and more extensive than the numeracy skills test. The pack is in loose-leaf A4 format and designed to be used actively by the learner. Sections can be studied in any order and include tasks to develop understanding of key concepts and many practice exercises. Places where a calculator or a computer would be useful are also indicated. I recommend this resource to my own primary trainees; those who have worked with it have found it invaluable.

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