Science - Sing a song of study

Use music to engage children with difficult subjects
9th March 2012, 12:00am


Science - Sing a song of study

If ever you find yourself struggling to interest a group of pupils in a difficult or dull subject, help is at hand. Take inspiration from the nation’s favourite talent show, The X Factor, and download a piece of free software from Microsoft, Songsmith, which gives them the chance to record their own pop songs.

Recently, I was having a difficult time getting my biology pupils interested in learning about the respiratory system. I showed them Songsmith and within an hour they had formed their own pop groups and written, produced and performed a song all about the subject.

Writing the lyrics themselves helps learning and understanding. And it is an additional bonus that pupils create their own copyright-free piece of music that can be used again in a themed homework task. Even better, most pupils copy the songs on to their iPods so that they can use them for revision.

The pupils were totally engaged when using the software and I was surprised that it was the boys who enjoyed it most. They loved using it and it helped them to remember the key concepts of what they were learning. It was astonishing to see the transformation that can take place when you give pupils the responsibility and independence to approach their learning in this very individual way.

So next time you are stuck when planning your lessons on a particular topic, get your pupils to have a look at Songsmith. It is likely to spark their interest and, as a consequence, they will probably work a lot harder in any difficult-to-teach topic.

You can download the software for free by signing up to Microsoft’s Partners in Learning Network. Join four million teachers from 107 countries in downloading free resources and begin collaborating together.

Dan Roberts is deputy headteacher at Community School in Cornwall. Follow him on Twitter @chickensaltash. Read his blog at

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In the forums

In the TES science forum, a teacher has asked for ideas for science assemblies. Can you help?

Find all links and resources at

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