Smooth the way ahead

6th May 2005, 1:00am


Smooth the way ahead
We’ve become a nation obsessed with secondary school transfer. It’s not just a difficult time for the children, their anxious parents and the over-worked admissions officers - the Year 6 teachers and Year 7 form tutors have to ease the way, hold hands with the worried and be towers of calm and stability. If that’s you, it’s a tough call, so take note of Harry Dodd’s advice in his regular “tricks of the trade” feature on pages 10 and 11 - you’ll find it very helpful in the next couple of months.

As you reach the end of your privileged NQT period, think about aspects of your teaching practice other than getting through induction. Don’t ever lose sight of the subjects you love - they are why you became a teacher, aren’t they? Andy Stanley has some excellent ideas for keeping your subject knowledge up to scratch in our front page feature.

Enjoy the month ahead and email me with your ideas and feedback.

Fiona Flynn: editor

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