Tes awards: Headteacher of the year

‘This is a headteacher who is making a huge difference to the life chances of the young people in his care’: Naveed Idrees is 2019‘s headteacher of the year
21st June 2019, 9:20pm


Tes awards: Headteacher of the year

Tes Awards: Headteacher Of The Year

Naveed Idrees has been headteacher at Feversham Primary Academy, in Bradford, for the past eight years, during which time he has taken the school into the top 2 per cent nationally.

The inner-city school lies in one of the most deprived areas in the UK, with high levels of unemployment and crime, and low levels of literacy. It was once “a run-down, unloved building with unhappy staff and a dry curriculum”, yet now is “a place where children achieve beyond their wildest dreams”, and which is attracting visitors from as far afield as Scandinavia and Thailand.

The transformation has been helped by the introduction of a curriculum with a heavy focus on music and drama, which helps pupils with low levels of language and social skills.

The school also provides continuing professional development, training and audits to other local schools.

The judges said of Mr Idrees: “This is a headteacher who is making a huge difference to the life chances of the young people in his care. He is a well-deserved winner.”

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