Yes, it really is a jungle out there

28th July 1995, 1:00am


Yes, it really is a jungle out there
(Photograph) - Enterprising children have raised Pounds 10,000 to transform their playground from a barren, grey wasteland to a multi-coloured, jungle-themed activity area, cutting bullying incidents in the process.

Eight 11-year-olds at Deeping St James county primary school in Lincolnshire formed a mini-enterprise club, and took just under two years to raise the cash through sponsored events, begging letters and hustling friends and family .

The club’s managing director, Simon Townsend, aged 11 and three quarters, said: “I didn’t boss my committee members, we all worked together. I think we learned most about business and confidence.” Teacher Janet Bloor is overwhelmed by the achievement. “Children were always so bored, and that was when bullying started. They’d be skulking in corners because there was nothing to do at play time. The club members themselves have really matured, they’re not afraid to deal with important-looking adults any more.”

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