Independent schools in Scotland: new register published

Overview of independent school sector in Scotland includes details on rolls, ASN specialist status and whether boarding is provided
24th May 2024, 3:42pm


Independent schools in Scotland: new register published
Independent schools in Scotland - new register published

An updated register of independent schools in Scotland has been published.

The Scottish government document lists 91 schools, with maximum pupil rolls of between four and 2,480.

It includes contact details of the school, optimum rolls and whether a boarding option is provided.

According to the document, 40 of the 91 schools offer a boarding option. Some 31 are listed as providing an education for pupils with additional support needs (ASN) and 15 of the schools are denominational.

The Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS) represents most schools in the sector.

The 2023 SCIS annual review stated that 28,876 children were educated at its 71 schools: 17,988 in senior schools, 9,310 in junior schools and 1,578 in nurseries.

SCIS members comprised 51 mainstream schools and 20 ASN schools; 19 of the members were boarding schools.

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