
More schools train mental health ‘triage’ staff amid ‘crisis’

More schools train mental health ‘triage’ staff amid ‘crisis’

Rise in teachers who report their school has recruited emotional literacy support assistants as more heads say they “can’t afford to wait” for help

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How much will Scotland’s new inspection and qualifications bodies cost?

New figures put the cost of establishing the new bodies at anywhere from under £1 million to over £30 million in the first four years

Scottish teaching unions reject ‘unsatisfactory’ pay offer

The offer is described as falling ‘far short of expectations’ – now there is only a short window of opportunity for a pay settlement by 1 August

Urgent SEND problems in almost third of areas inspected

Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission only gave a clean bill of health to seven of the 26 areas that received SEND area inspections last year

New education bill sets date for SQA replacement - and reveals its name

Milestone for Scottish education reform with confirmation of new qualifications agency, including 'central' role for teachers and students, and an independent inspection body

‘Inadequate’ ASN provision having impact on all pupils

An 'intolerable' gap has grown between additional support needs policy and practice in Scotland, say 11 bodies who have joined forces to underline concerns over ASN

Third of teachers say more pupils coming to school hungry

There has also been an increase in the number of pupils coming into school without adequate clothing, according to a report on the impact of the cost-of-living crisis

SEND reforms could make crisis worse, say experts

More funding should instead be devolved to schools, according to a SEND policy group

AI could create ‘new inequities in learning’, warns expert

AI can do ‘incredible things’ – including making learning more accessible for all pupils – but some young people could be priced out of the best tools

Home economics teachers struggling with ‘relentless’ workload

With home economics mostly staffed by female teachers and often lacking support, an EIS survey reflects concerns that an unfair burden is being put on women

Pupil enjoyment of writing falls to ‘unprecedented low’

Children need more 'meaningful opportunities' to enjoy the creative elements of writing, charity urges

Next government faces ‘painful choices’ on school spending, IFS warns

'Reweighting' teacher compensation away from pensions and towards salaries could help with recruitment and retention, say experts

Wales shelves plans to shake up school year

Consultation shows only ‘a narrow majority’ in favour of the changes to holidays, as schools are told to prioritise new curriculum and improving attainment

Burden of school complaints ‘significant concern’, Ofsted told

The Confederation of School Trusts responds to Ofsted's Big Listen consultation

Election 2024: ‘Urgent’ need to boost education spend, says NEU

Biggest teaching union sets out 10 demands for the next government, including free school meals for all pupils, an end to mandatory primary testing and SEND support reform

EIS warns of ‘robust response’ if more councils cut teacher numbers

Delegates at the union’s AGM this week will be asked to back a motion condemning Glasgow’s plans to cut 450 posts – and possible strike action if other councils follow suit