What is a systematic review?

This type of research review gives an objective overview of the evidence on a particular topic or question
What is a systematic review?


What is a systematic review?


In a systematic review, researchers summarise all of the research on a particular topic that meets pre-defined eligibility criteria, in order to answer a specific research question. 

A systematic review can also be combined with meta-analysis

Where can I see systematic reviews in action? 

In January 2022, researchers from the University of Cambridge conducted a systematic review and a meta-analysis on “guided play” and found that, in some instances, guided play can be as effective, or better, than formal adult-led teaching for pupils up to the age of eight. The research also found that play-based learning may have a more positive effect on younger children’s early maths skills compared with traditional direct instruction. 

In February 2019, academics from the University of Exeter published a systematic review that looked at the relationship between anxiety and poor attendance at school. The review found there was a clear relationship but a lack of longitudinal data that could help us to understand cause and effect.  

Further reading: 

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