Fancy a teaching podcast? Then look right here...

The Tes Podagogy podcast is three years old – here are all the podcasts so far
5th September 2020, 10:00am


Fancy a teaching podcast? Then look right here...
Education Podcast

On 5 September 2017, Tes launched a new podcast. The idea was to try and connect research to practice, to shine a light on academic discourse and force those involved to apply it to practical application.

We had no long-term plan, we had no guests lined up beyond the first two and, as host, I had no experience with podcasts. What could go wrong?

It turned out, a lot went right.

Education podcasts

Over the past three years, we have published 78 podcasts, welcomed some of the most esteemed figures in academia and collected thousands of listeners along the way.

For this season (our 11th) we have also recorded our podcasts on video so you can see the discussion as it happened, as well as hear it (see below)

We also have a shiny platform of our own, so if you just want pedagogy podcasts from Tes, you have that option (but please do check out our news, FE, and international podcasts, too). You can subscribe by clicking here

We are adding a short podcast this year where we discuss the issues raised in the cover feature of the magazine, so an extra podcast per week.

So please do subscribe, comment, discuss, give us feedback. Tell us who you would like on. Tell us topics you want covered. And delve into our archive, which looks a bit like this (in order of appearance):

Daisy Christodoulou on what effective assessment looks like 

Professor Dylan Wiliam on growth mindset theory 

Professor Linda Graham on the teacher’s role in effective behaviour management 

Professor Daniel Willingham on how we learn to read 

Dr Sara Baker on why no one fully understands play in education 

Professors Robert and Elizabeth Bjork on how memory works 

Professor Carol Dweck on her growth mindset critics

Professor Uta Frith on what you need to know about autism 

Professor Anders Ericsson on deliberate practice (Anders sadly died this year, a real loss to educational research) 

Dr Luke Roberts on how schools create bullies 

Professor Maggie Snowling on what you need to know about dyslexia 

Doug Lemov on effective routines for learning 

Sir Kevan Collins on how research should be used in education 

Mark Brenchley and Ian Cushing on the essentials of teaching grammar 

Professor Kalwant Bhopal on race in education 

Professor Christian Bokhove on research myths and how to fight them 

Professor Sam Twiselton on how to train a teacher 

Professor Becky Francis on the impact of setting 

Dr Kathryn Asbury on genetics 

Professor Jessie Ricketts on literacy in secondary schools 

Professor Vanita Sundarum on gender in schools 

Professor Daniel Muijs on judging teacher performance 

Professor Rob Webster on the effective use of teaching assistants 

Professor Rose Luckin on the use of AI in schools 

Professor Neil Mercer on oracy 

Professor Victoria Murphy on EAL 

Professor Paul Kirschner on direct instruction 

Professor Christine Howe on group work 

Professor Courtenay Norbury on Developmental Language Disorder 

Professor Lucy Cragg on executive function 

Professor Angela Duckworth on character education 

Professor Steve Higgins on what we don’t know about education 

Professor Ann Castles on phonics 

Professor Dominic Wyse on teaching writing 

Professors Eamon McCrory and Essi Viding on trauma 

Dr Luke Beardon on supporting students with autism 

Professor Celia Chan on curriculum design 

Professor Andrew Przybylski on why tech won’t warp teens 

Professor Sarah Jane Blakemore on the teenage brain 

Dr Louise Kay on school readiness 

Professor Rachel Lofthouse on mentoring 

Professor Emily Farran on spatial ability 

Professor David Whitebread on learning through play 

Professor Tamsin Ford on child and adolescent mental health 

Professor John Dunlosky on what makes for effective revision 

Professor Karen Sands O’Connor on diversity in children’s books 

Dr Tara Porter on eating disorders 

Professor David Geary on primary and secondary knowledge 

Professor Jane Oakhill on comprehension 

Professor Samantha Johnson on strategies for children born pre-term 

Dr Simon Edwards on the myth of the unteachable pupil 

Professor Daniel Ansari on how we first learn maths 

Dr Wendy Sims-Schouten on mental health in primary schools 

Dr Alice Jones on social and emotional roots to behaviour 

Professor Pam Grossman on project-based learning 

Professor Lee Elliot Major on social mobility 

Professor Brett Laurson on peer influence 

Dr Pete Etchells on why video games are not the enemy 

Professor Rob Drummond on ‘standard’ English 

Professor Peter Fonagy on attachment 

Professor Bill Lucas on creativity 

Professor Patrick Leman and Dr Harriet Tenanbaum on peer learning 

Professor John Hattie on his visible learning critics 

Professor Mark Priestly on curriculum design 

Professor Dorothy Bishop on education interventions with under 7s 

Professor Michael Young on powerful knowledge 

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