Publications;Noticeboard;Geography;Features amp; Arts

19th November 1999, 12:00am


Publications;Noticeboard;Geography;Features amp; Arts
* Earthwise Publications, a trademark of the British Geological Survey, has produced A3-size folded and laminated full colour Holiday Geology Guides on Scarborough and Whitby: the Jurassic Coast, Isle of Wight and Cornish Pebbles and Discovering Geology Fossil Focus guides on echinoids and plants. pound;1.95 from tourist information centres, bookshops and (plus postage) from: BGS, Keyworth, Nottingham NB12 5GG, tel: 0115 936 3241; e-mail: * Discovering Anthropology: a resource guide for teachers and students contains sections on specialist areas and related disciplines; suggested reading; libraries, museums and resource centres; information technology; pathways into anthropology; and details of higher education courses. pound;12; pound;9 to Royal Anthropological Institute members; plus pound;1.50 postage from the RAI, 50 Fitzroy Street, London W1P 5HS, tel: 0171 387 0455.

Valerie Hall

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