Speak first, think later

17th June 2005, 1:00am


Speak first, think later

Thinking Together in Geography By Lyn Dawes et al Badger, pound;39.50 + VAT

This set of resources uses speaking and listening to develop thinking skills. It is targeted at key stage 3, but the approach is relevant across the secondary age range. A short introduction links the approach to module 12 of the training materials for the KS3 strategy’s foundation subjects. Useful guidance is given on encouraging quality exploratory talk, but more needs to be said about differentiation and encouraging those less inclined to talk, with strategies such as pre-session briefings and prompt cards.

The first three lessons are the most important, because they teach students how to talk productively. The next four sections - development, earthquakes and volcanoes, weather and climate, and Italy - each comprise five lessons. The content will be familiar, but the approach is new. The lessons are well structured and other content could easily be delivered in this way.

Thinking Together in Geography will help any department that is serious about developing the quality of learning and teaching, and wishes to develop thinking skills in new ways.

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