180 colleges to get funding for buildings

Repair work on college buildings and estates can begin from September, says education secretary Gavin Williamson
19th August 2020, 12:01am


180 colleges to get funding for buildings

College Capital Funding: 180 Colleges To Receive Funding For Buildings

More than 180 colleges are set to receive capital funding for building and estates repairs, the Department for Education has announced. 

The colleges set to receive the most funding include NCG (£4,597,902), Capital City College Group (£4,535,305) and New City College (£3,685,336).

Background: Colleges to receive £200m in capital funding

Long read: How to spend £1.8bn on college estates and buildings?

Opinion: £200m for buildings is the tip of the iceberg for FE

Work at the 188 colleges can begin in September – and will ensure colleges are fit for the future, education secretary Gavin Williamson said.

“We want to build a world-class further education system which delivers for the whole nation, and a key part of this is ensuring colleges are fit for the future – with better facilities and brand-new buildings," he added.

Funding for college buildings

“It is brilliant news that more than 180 colleges will receive a share of £200 million so they can start immediate work to renovate buildings and facilities, with further funding being invested over the next five years.

“We want all students to continue to receive high-quality education and training, no matter where they grow up or what college they go to. Now, more than ever, it is vital that colleges can support their students to gain the skills they need to progress and help the economy to recover and grow.”

David Hughes, chief executive of the Association of Colleges, said that colleges will need to move quickly to spend the money.

"This capital resource, for bringing building and digital infrastructure up to date, is important but they will need to move quickly to spend this money," he said.

"The college condition survey confirms that there has been underinvestment in the college estate in recent years, so it is good news that the Treasury has allocated money for a five-year programme to put this right and to ensure that future students and apprentices learn and train in world-leading environments."

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