Steiner free school closure threat over safeguarding concerns

Steiner Academy Exeter has been temporarily shut after Ofsted visit
16th October 2018, 6:22pm


Steiner free school closure threat over safeguarding concerns

A Steiner free school has had a “minded to terminate” letter from the DfE after an Ofsted inspection raised concerns about safeguarding, governance and provision for children with special educational needs.

Steiner Academy Exeter has been closed for three days following problems with the school raised by an inspection team last week.

Now, the regional schools commissioner for the South West, Lisa Mannall, has told the school the government is concerned that there has been a serious breakdown in the way it is being run and that “the safety of pupils or staff of the academy is threatened”.

She has told the school that if these concerns cannot be addressed the school could receive a termination warning notice.

The Steiner Academy Exeter is an all-ages free school that opened in 2013.

Steiner schools are inspired by Austrian Rudolph Steiner, who developed a spiritual science - known as anthroposophy.

However, the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship has said its schools do not teach this.

On its website, the Steiner Academy Exeter describes itself as being at “the cutting edge of delivering the Steiner Waldorf curriculum in the state-funded sector”.

The school told parents last week that the school would close on Friday to ensure a safe environment for all pupils.

A new acting management team has been created with Paul Hougham appointed as acting principal and the schools’ governing board has given its responsibilities to an independent management advisory committee.

In a statement on the school’s website last week, Mr Hougham said: “It is clear that the scale of improvements required, particularly in safeguarding, SEND, and leadership and governance, is significant and will require the full attention of all staff.”

It added: “There is clear and deep regret that the education provided to children at the school has not been of the high standards or integrity required.

“As such, the entire governing board has, as of this afternoon, agreed to delegate its responsibilities to an independent Academy Management Committee. The school will be working with the Regional Schools Commissioner to appoint members to this board who will be able to oversee improvements at the school going forward.”

The school is now set to open again on Thursday.



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