Experts to tackle post-coronavirus youth employment

Young people are likely to be among the hardest hit as jobs are lost amid the coronavirus lockdown
29th April 2020, 12:02am


Experts to tackle post-coronavirus youth employment
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Charities, employer groups and FE sector experts have come together to tackle the impact that coronavirus will have on youth employment

The new Covid-19 Youth Employment Group includes over 70 organisations, including the Association of Colleges and City and Guilds Group, and is led by Impetus, the Youth Futures Foundation, the Prince’s Trust, Youth Employment UK and the Institute for Employment Studies. It will design, deliver and campaign for solutions to the immediate and long-term impact on young people’s employment prospects.

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This work will focus in particular on those who already face considerable challenges entering the labour market. According to the Youth Employment UK Youth Census, just over three-quarters of young people (77 per cent) reported that they have not had Jobcentre Plus provision discussed with them at school, college or university, meaning they are likely to be unaware of the support available to them if they can’t find work this summer.

Coronavirus: The impact on youth employment

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has warned that younger workers will be hit the hardest, as they are nearly two-and-a-half times more likely to work in a sector that is shut down as a result of the pandemic. The research also shows that sectors that shut down as a result of social distancing measures employed nearly a third (30 per cent) of all employees under 25; compared with just one in eight (13 per cent) of workers over 25.

The new group will work to ensure that young people receive quality support now, and will help to plan for a recovery of the youth labour market post-lockdown. Its membership will meet virtually every week as they begin to pool together expertise and develop rapid solutions during and after lockdown. They have set up a LinkedIn Group for those interested in getting involved.

Sam Windett, director at social mobility charity Impetus and chair of the Youth Employment Group, said: “The Covid-19 pandemic has seen the largest spike in benefits claims in at least 40 years. Now, more than ever, employers, charities, councils, colleges and others need to work together with government to prevent a lost generation of jobless young people. I am delighted that over 70 organisations across different sectors are pooling their expertise to ensure this national crisis is followed by a national recovery that works for everyone.“

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