Ofqual: Bauckham is DfE choice for chief regulator

The government’s preferred candidate to lead Ofqual has held the role of interim chief regulator since January
24th May 2024, 4:37pm


Ofqual: Bauckham is DfE choice for chief regulator

Ofqual: Bauckham is DfE choice for chief regulator

Sir Ian Bauckham has been named as the government’s preferred candidate for the role of chief regulator of Ofqual.

However, a final decision on the appointment will be taken by the next government after July’s general election

Sir Ian, who was previously Ofqual chair, became interim chief regulator in January after Dr Jo Saxton announced she was stepping down.

Today’s announcement means that Sir Ian will attend a pre-appointment hearing with the Commons Education Select Committee after the general election, which is set to be held on the 4 July.

After the hearing, the MPs’ committee will publish its recommendations, which will then be considered by the education secretary before a decision on the final appointment is made.

The Department for Education said that Sir Ian had been selected for the role “following an open recruitment competition and assessment process”.

The interim chief regulator, who was previously CEO of Tenax Schools Trust in Kent, has also chaired the board of Oak National Academy since 2020.

Sir Ian had previously been one of three high-profile academy trust chief executives in the running to become Ofsted chief inspector before Sir Martyn Oliver was announced as Amanda Spielman’s successor in July.

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