#CatTeachers: the top 10

Last night, Twitter erupted into a purr-fect frenzy of cat-as-teacher profile posts. Here are a few of our favourites...
5th December 2018, 4:31pm


#CatTeachers: the top 10


December is the most gruelling month of all: dark mornings, early sunsets and the taunt of Christmas twinkle, which makes the holiday seem so close, yet so far away. But last night, teachers’ timelines lit up with laughter - a rarity in the current edu-Twitter climate - and it was all thanks to a few furry friends. 
Created by Tes columnist and school head of English, Rebecca Foster, #CatTeachers pokes light-hearted fun at the quirky characters that can be found in staffrooms. From the Walter White-esque chemistry teacher resembling a Persian Longhair to the Keats-loving English teacher baring similarities to a tabby.
On a rainy winter’s day, it really is the gift that keeps on giving.
In what may be one of the hardest tasks the Tes newsroom has yet faced, we did manage to select a list of our top 10 favourites. 
If you want to view the whole selection of teacher-cat comparisons, or even add your own, then be sure to search for #CatTeachers on Twitter. 












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