Rise MAT appoints interim CEO

Dave Ellison-Lee, currently director of education and deputy CEO at Rise, will step into the role in September
22nd May 2024, 5:00pm


Rise MAT appoints interim CEO

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​Rise Multi-Academy Trust has announced the appointment of Dave Ellison-Lee as its interim chief executive officer. 

Mr Ellison-Lee, who is currently the director of education and deputy CEO at the trust, will step into the role in September. 

He will replace Mark Cole, who has held the role since 2020 and is set to become CEO of Tenax Schools Trust in Kent. Tenax Schools Trust currently has one secondary school and seven primaries.

Mr Cole replaced Sir Ian Bauckham as the CEO at Tenax, after Sir Ian stepped down to become the interim chief regulator at Ofqual. 

Rise is based in the East Midlands and has 26 primary schools across the region. 

Mr Ellison-Lee has previously worked as an executive headteacher, headteacher and school improvement partner. 

The new interim CEO has also worked with the Department for Education and Standards and Testing Agency around primary assessment.

Stephen Adshead, chair of the board of directors at Rise, said the trust was “pleased to continue” its work with Mr Ellison-Lee “to further strengthen and evolve” the MAT.

“His knowledge, ambition and values are a perfect fit for our trust,” Mr Adshead added.

“We wish Mark all the very best in his new role as CEO of Tenax Schools Trust in Kent.”

Other recent moves in the trust sector include the appointment of the new CEO of Oasis Community Learning John Barneby, and Claire Heald as the new CEO of the Cam Academy Trust

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