Return to School after LockdownQuick View

Return to School after Lockdown

This is a PowerPoint that can be used to discuss The New Normal with the children returning to school after lockdown. It gives them the chance to discuss their emotions related to the coronavirus / Covid 19 and it outlines the new routines they will have to get used to, such as social distancing, hygiene, bubbles/pods, etc. It should make the return to school easier and safer for them.
Spelling investigation and dictation sheets for 2014 curriculumQuick View

Spelling investigation and dictation sheets for 2014 curriculum

These 6 spelling investigation sheets are for Year 5 and Year 6 and can be used for homework as well as independent classroom activity. They are linked to words which have to be learnt for dictation each week and include dictation sentences. They include investigations on the endings: -ence and -ance, -cious and -tious, -cial and -tial, -ieve and -eive. They also include an investigation on homophones ending in -ce versus -se and an investigation on the letter string -ough.