L'Immigration - A-Level MindmapQuick View

L'Immigration - A-Level Mindmap

A revision mindmap for Theme 3 - Immigration, on the Edexcel A-Level French course. This mindmap contains statistics, case studies and key terms useful for both speaking and reading/listening exams. Information is derived from both the textbook and further study into the subject, under these subheadings: -Les Types d’Immigration -Les DOM-TOMs -L’Immigration et l’Économie Français -L’Immigration Illegale et Les Camps Réfugiés -La Laicité et Le Multiculturalisme -La France et L’Immigration Au Cours Des Années Case Studies Include: -L’evacuation du camp des migrants de la Chapelle -L’affaire Léonarda -Les lois de laicité en France -La Jungle de Calais Resource is a powerpoint slide in mindmap style; there is some space for additional notes and/or highlighting. Printing A3 is recommended.