Mayan pok-a-tok. The deadliest gameQuick View

Mayan pok-a-tok. The deadliest game

An activity guide for having a go at playing the ancient Mayan ball game of pok-a-tok. Some background knowledge and basic rules should mean you can have fun investigating the deadliest game without any risk.
Designing a Mayan  maskQuick View

Designing a Mayan mask

An activity guide for creating a Mayan mask- looking at examples and thinking about the different types of masks and what they were used for
Maya prayer creative writing activityQuick View

Maya prayer creative writing activity

KS2 exploring the relationship between ancient civilizations and their gods. Creative writing and analytical skills as well as interpretation. easily differentiated. Requires some background knowledge/images
fun activity for devevloping enquiry skills and drawing inferences including data collection sheetQuick View

fun activity for devevloping enquiry skills and drawing inferences including data collection sheet

Aimed at KS2 and KS3 I developed this activity into a plan that can be easily adapted. It works as a useful introduction to a History topic and allows pupils to start focusing on the type of questions they should be asking as they progress and how to effectively find the answers they need. It can be scaled easily by changing the nature of the objects (more complex) or even the number of them. I used a bunch of keys with this once and it turned into a full on Sherlock Holmes detective mystery!