Jeu de sept famillesQuick View

Jeu de sept familles

Ppt to work with learning personality and physical description with year 7. Did at end of unit to reinforce all the language. Create a happy families game in the class - each group creates one family (including a description).
GCSE French Sentence builders: Studio unit 2Quick View

GCSE French Sentence builders: Studio unit 2

Collection of sentence builders following the second unit of GCSE Studio Higher text book - Le temps des loisirs. Key vocab and structures from each double page spread plus the vocab section at the end of the unit have been included.
GCSE French Sentence builders: Studio unit 1Quick View

GCSE French Sentence builders: Studio unit 1

Collection of sentence builders following the first unit of GCSE Studio Higher text book - Qui suis-je? Key vocab and structures from each double page spread plus the vocab section at the end of the unit have been included.
Daily routine connect fourQuick View

Daily routine connect four

A quick match up of pics and daily routine phrases, followed by a connect four grid with different coloured stars to use for teams.