A-Level History Coursework Notes: Was Hitler personally responsible for the Holocaust?Quick View

A-Level History Coursework Notes: Was Hitler personally responsible for the Holocaust?

A set of notes prepared for coursework on the Edexcel A-Level History topic, specifically addressing the question: “Discuss the view that Hitler was personally responsible for the events of the Holocaust?” These notes have been crafted by a prior student who achieved a perfect score of 40/40 in her coursework. The notes provide a comprehensive analysis of Hitler’s involvement in the Holocaust, drawing upon various scholarly interpretations, primary sources, and historical context. Key aspects covered in the notes include Hitler’s ideological framework, direct involvement evidenced through primary sources such as Joseph Goebbels’ diaries, Hitler’s leadership style, contrasting scholarly interpretations regarding Hitler’s personal responsibility, and a nuanced conclusion synthesizing different perspectives. The resource aims to offer a well-researched and structured argument supported by citations from reputable authors and primary sources, providing a strong foundation for students to develop their understanding and analysis of Hitler’s role in the Holocaust within the framework of their coursework requirements.
A-Level Politics: Political Thinkers - Conservatism and SocialismQuick View

A-Level Politics: Political Thinkers - Conservatism and Socialism

This document contains a pdf version of a presentation on all political thinkers within Socialism and Conservatism which were applicable to the Edexcel A-Level Government and Politics Specification. Notes on thinkers include: Thomas Hobbes Edmund Burke Michael Oakeshott Robert Nozick Ayn Rand Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Rosa Luxemburg Beatrice Webb Anthony Crossland Anthony Giddens
Edexcel A-Level Britain 1625-1701 Theme 1-5Quick View

Edexcel A-Level Britain 1625-1701 Theme 1-5

5 Resources
This bundle contains notes on the Edexcel A-Level History Britain 1625-1701 course for theme 1-5 including: A Quest for Political Stability, Religion, Conflict and Dissent, Social and Intellectual Challenge, Economy, Trade and Empire and The Glorious Revolution