Successful NPQH Task 1 & Task 2 submitted 2022 Primary- curriculum focusQuick View

Successful NPQH Task 1 & Task 2 submitted 2022 Primary- curriculum focus

Passed with very high marks January 2022. Full marks for task 2. Purchase includes bibliography and budget led curriculum suggestions. Some text redacted for confidentiality reasons. Feedback: Task 1- You have produced a report that is well written. Spelling, grammar and tone are all well used to communicate your evidence. The sections were all clearly labelled and this made it much easier to reference back to the assessment criteria. You clearly communicated very effectively during the project to create a climate of shared vision and high trust. This resulted in positive impacts on pupil outcomes Task 2- This was a well written report which clearly laid out the different areas you had considered. Spelling, punctuation and grammar were mostly accurate and the language used communicated effectively. Your suggestions for next steps were reasonable and sustainable and addressed the key challenges identified