The ModeQuick View

The Mode

This resource is an excel document that can repeatedly be used for the same class as the questions change each time the page is refreshed, the answered are covered in black but to reveal them just simply change the background colour in the black column to any colour but black
Finding the median - continually changingQuick View

Finding the median - continually changing

This resource contains an excel document with values that change when the page is refreshed, this resource can be used repeatedly with the same class to continually check their understanding. To find the answers you must change the colour of the background in the yellow boxes.
Average - Mean - continually changingQuick View

Average - Mean - continually changing

This is an excel document that when it is refreshed changes all of the values, this resource can be used repeatedly, also the boundaries of the numbers can easily be changed for different levels To find the answers, just change the background of the yellow boxes after the values.
Finding the range- Continually changingQuick View

Finding the range- Continually changing

This resource is an excel document that has a set amount of values but can be refreshed for new values, This can be used to check learning progress and can be used repeatedly as the questions refresh with just a push of a button. To find the answers simply change the background colour of the yellow boxes after the answers