Entrepreneurship: Mastering ABC of businessQuick View

Entrepreneurship: Mastering ABC of business

Entrepreneurship: Mastering ABC of business is a simple and concise illustrated business bible depicting the world of enterprises from outside the classroom. It is centred around easy to remember hard to forget six core elements namely market, product, service, price, quantity and income as illustrated on the book’s cover and is aimed primarily at would-be entrepreneurs and secondarily to students 11years of age and above to learn applied business topics for subsequent employment, self or otherwise.
Straight Outta Classroom podcastQuick View

Straight Outta Classroom podcast

Do entrepreneurs really need business knowledge? The answer is yes, but that does not equate to exorbitant graded business school MBA as ungraded applied business knowledge will do fine which is exactly what Straight Outta Classroom podcast, a leisurely-released fringe business knowledge solo program is designed to do. This podcast is primarily aimed at would be entrepreneurs but will prove to be a valuable resource for students from 11 years of age and above as part of careers and enterpise learning with relevant applied business topics to listen and learn without knowing they are learning as no grades are required, the podcast will enable them to see enterprises from an entrepreneurs perspective that will come in handy in employment self or otherwise once they leave school.