What coping strategy works bestQuick View

What coping strategy works best

This worksheet is to help young people “experiment” with their chosen coping strategies. As part of emotional wellbeing lessons you can use the worksheet to help support young people to figure out which of their coping strategies works best. The first column is for identifying the specific coping strategy whether it be deep breathing, listening to music, talking to someone. The second column is a young persons prediction of how they think the strategy will work for them. They might include a predicted score out of ten for helpfulness, what environment they would use the strategy in or the problem they would use the coping strategy to address. Example: " I predict a 7/10 for using (drawing) after school to help me calm down after getting the bus." The third column is for the follow up- perhaps a week later or whenever feels suitable. This is like a review and reflect opportunity. You can, again help a young person to score out of ten how effective the coping strategy has been. Reflect with a young person why something has worked well or not so much. Is there any opportunity to adapt the coping strategy to have a better helpfulness rate?Example: (Perhaps download an app to draw on your phone whilst on the bus).