Como agua para chocolate revision game (speaking activity)Quick View

Como agua para chocolate revision game (speaking activity)

The Rachel Hawkes game éstás hacienda trampa´is borrowed here for revision of CAPC. The statements are my own. Instructions Deal out all cards (the aim is to be the first with no cards). Players pick up a card in turn. If it has a statement, read it out as though it were your own and place the card in the centre face down. If it says ‘¡Estás haciendo trampa! you have to invent your own statement and deliver it so convincingly that the other players think it is a regular card, then place it in the centre face down. If someone suspects you are ‘cheating’, they can say ‘trampa’. If they are right, you have to pick up all the cards from the centre. If no, the false accuser has to take them all.
GCSE level text - about my schoolQuick View

GCSE level text - about my school

Based on an edexcel listening transcript - look for the equivalent Spanish followed by exam style comprehension questions. I gave this to my top set at a point that I had covered the topic and was looking to help them access more challenging texts.