English Literature: Shakespeare Booklet Quick View

English Literature: Shakespeare Booklet

A comprehensive and sustained booklet all about William Shakespeare. The booklet includes some interesting aspects of his life explained in detail whilst understanding some of his use of language terminology in one of his plays. The information in this booklet is accurate and correct with evidence from reliable and appropriate sources. Write a review about this document and I will reduce the price. Enjoy reading!
Spanish Food and Drink GameQuick View

Spanish Food and Drink Game

Are you students bored of Spanish? Do they find it hard to learn vocabulary or lose interest easily? Then look no further. This Spanish food and drink is guaranteed to to get all students up and active and excited about learning. Spanish need not be boring, therefore, this game will make students learn vocabulary in a fun and interesting way, whilst getting everyone involved.
Spanish: Food and Drink FlashcardsQuick View

Spanish: Food and Drink Flashcards

These are the flashcard or pages that have the food items that go with my power point food game. They can be used for games or just to learn the vocabulary before the game. Enjoy!